The essence of Argentum


Argentum is a luxury skincare brand that combines advanced science to recreate extraordinary formulas. Founded in London in 2012, argentum takes advantage of the healing properties of silver, an element forged in stellar supernovae, to offer unique and effective products. The vision of the founder Joy Isaacs, inspired by a dream about the power of silver, has found shape thanks to the collaboration with Dr. Gilbert Mouzin. Together they created a revolutionary synergy, embodied in HP Silver Hydrosol & DNA, the heart of each formulation. 
The argentum collection is an oasis of balance and vitality, offering a holistic wellness experience through its scents and formulations. At the center is the "Potion Infine", a day and night cream that combines clinically proven effectiveness with a natural 99.2% composition. The line is further enriched with essences of bergamot, geranium, rose and sandalwood, designed for the hotel collection, and is completed with the fragrance BECOME, symbol of harmony between male and female. Argentum transcends the definition of a simple skincare brand, presenting itself as an invitation to explore an enchanted world, where every gesture of care becomes a sacred ritual that opens the door to inner beauty and serenity.

A stellar beauty thanks to the purity of the silver born from the stars.

The authenticity of the Brand